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Event Details

    SHRM Portage County In-Person Legislative Affairs Meeting: Conducting Workplace Investigations

    Date: March 6, 2025, 9:00am – 10:30am
    SHRM Portage County
    Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities
    2500 Brady Lake Rd.,
    Ravenna, OH 44266

    Also, streamed virtually via Teams

    8:45 am - Registration Opens
    9:00 am - Networking | Light Snacks | Announcements
    9:15 am - Presentation Begins
    Price: $25 Members, $35 Non-Members, $15 Students & Members-in-transition,
    Event Type:
    SHRM Portage County Legislative Affairs Learning Series - In Person Option
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    "Conducting a Workplace Investigation"

    About the Event: This is part of our bi-monthly In-person Legislative Affiais Learning and Nwtworking Series.  The purpose of the meeting is to welcome the HR community including new and returning SHRM Portage County members, guests and friends, provide updates on SHRM Portage County activities, and listen to a  presentation on an HR topic related to employment law or other legislative affiars. 

    For this event, participants can learn and earn 1 SHRM PDC.

    About the Session: This session is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to conduct thorough and fair workplace investigations. This  is perfect for HR professionals, business managers, and, anyone handling employee relations.

    The objectives of this session are to have participants:

    • Understanding the Basics: Key principles and legal considerations in workplace investigations.
    • Investigation Planning: How to plan and structure an effective investigation.
    • Interview Techniques: Best practices for interviewing witnesses and involved parties.
    • Evidence Collection: Gathering and documenting evidence properly.
    • Report Writing: Crafting clear and comprehensive investigation reports.
    • Maintaining Confidentiality: Ensuring privacy and confidentiality throughout the process.

    About Our Speaker: Our speaker for this event is Julie Trout, Esq a member of Kastner Westerman & Wilkins (K | W | W) law firm located in Fairlawn. In her capacity as an employment law attorney, Julie assists employers by providing legal counsel and practical HR advice enabling employers to maintain positive, proactive workplaces.

    In the employment setting, Julie believes that preventing fires is better than spending time, energy, and money trying to extinguish fires that are already burning.  As a result, a substantial part of her work – as well as the overall practice of K|W|W – is devoted to providing practical tools to employers to manage the workforce effectively. 

    Her work includes: 

    • Providing practical training to supervisors and managers on employment law-related topics (e.g., harassment prevention, managing leaves of absence, wage-hour issues);
    • Conducting workplace investigations;
    • Working with employers to ensure wage/hour compliance;
    • Counseling and coaching sessions for managers, supervisors, and employees as part of professional development; 
    • Counseling employers on performance management, discipline, and termination issues.

    Julie graduated with honors from the University of Akron School of Law.  She received her B.S., with honors, from Grove City College.


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