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February 19th SHRM Portage County Bi-Monthly Member Meeting

    Thank you for your interest in participating in this month's meeting.

    • $25 Members
    • $35 Non-Members 
    • $15 Students & Members-in-transition 

    To begin your registration, complete the top of the form below with your contact information and membership status. If you are interested in bringing a friend or two, please let us know by providing their information in the friend's section. Feel free to ask a question our speaker can address. Also, for those attending in person, please let us know and complete the dietary section. When you are done filling in the form, don't forget about the CAPTCHA, select submit. 

    Once you have indicated your interest to attend the event, you will be directed to the payment system to complete your registration.  In this section, you will make a payment selection to secure your seat.

    Please note: Registration for this event is open through 5:00 PM on Friday, February 14th. Cancellations after this time will be charged for the cost of the meeting.

    Another note:  When you auto-fill the form, you automatically add yourself as a "friend" - which you can delete from the friend field.

    Please let us know if you are attending in person so we can include you in the meal count
    Please indicate your dietary request.
    If you are bringing a friend, please provide their name and email below. There are enough spaces for up to three (3) friends.
    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.