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How Can Leaders Shift Discourse in the Workplace to Foster Positive Communication and Collaboration?

    In today's dynamic work environments, effective communication is crucial for success. The language we choose often has a significant impact, leading to misunderstandings that can create divisions. This message and its impact can even be subconscious! Understanding how leaders can shift this conversation and collective communication is vital for building a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

    This blog post examines the pitfalls of negative distinctions, their effects on workplace dynamics, and strategies leaders can employ to promote constructive dialogue. By opting for more inclusive language, such as using "alternate opinion" instead of "dissenting opinion," leaders can enhance engagement and cultivate a supportive culture.

    The Dangers of Negative Distinctions and the Centrality of Discourse

    Negative distinctions in communication can take many forms, and their consequences can be profound. For example, when leaders refer to differing viewpoints as "dissenting," it creates an implication of conflict. Such language reduces the chance for open conversation and can even lead to the marginalization of valuable ideas. No manager or leader should want this to happen. A 2020 study found that 79% of employees felt less likely to voice opinions when they feared being labeled as "dissenters." That is a significant stifling of ideas and dialogues. We all remember COVID-19 labels, right? These labels kept people from constructive conversations and led to many bad decisions. The same impact can happen at work! Even the words label and labeling have negative connotation. It feels like fixing a permanent sign on someone and takes away from their perspective.

    Here are ways leaders can innovate language to foster creativity.

    • Instead of referring to challenges as “issues we face,” frame them as “joint challenges”—this shifts the narrative from blame to collaborative problem-solving.

    • When referring to others, use "passionate" instead of "sensitive"; use "expressive" instead of "vocal" or "loud".

    • Instead of "leverage" use "ways to optimize impact". The first distinction characterized the work as mechanical, while this is rarely the case. The latter framing fosters more ideas and "feels" lighter and more promising and expressive.

    • Think of purpose when naming processes and functions. Instead of "orientation process", call it and treat it as "orientation experience". This focuses on the person going through the orientation, and takes a holistic view of the process.

    • When there are silos, or conflict between groups, give the relationship a name that supports the business and workplace success. For example, people often think the relationship between engineering and production is one of "support". If instead, the purpose of the relationship was "process control", what actions would change within, and and between both groups?

    More inclusive language and the avoidance of negative distinctions can also create safety among team members. Employees can decide against sharing an idea due to concerns about backlash. This response is particularly harmful in settings where creativity is essential for innovation and growth.

    Discourse shapes workplace interactions and relationships. Leaders must understand how central discourse is to building a constructive work environment. Traditionally, workplace communication has focus on authority, hierarchy, and fear of judgment. Shifting this focus to a more collaborative communication model allows diverse voices to be heard and valued.

    This requires leaders to employ systems thinking, holistically viewing every communication instance as a part of the broader organizational ecosystem. For example, leaders can see dialogues as opportunities to build deeper understanding and connection rather than merely transferring information.

    Establishing norms that promote diverse viewpoints is essential. This means actively inviting team members to contribute their ideas and reframing confrontational language. Foster a more inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing rather than defensive about their perspectives. Leaders should strive to use language that promotes inclusivity and positivity. Framing communication thoughtfully can create connections and foster trust.

    Knowledge is Power

    The phrase "knowledge is power" highlights the responsibility of leaders to foster a positive discourse and facilitate access to information and knowledge. In a knowledge-driven work environment, the collective wisdom of a team surpasses individual contributions. This means we defer to the other, make information easy to access, and arm everyone with thinking, engagement, and collaboration methods and skills.

    Leaders can promote this by organizing knowledge-sharing sessions or workshops, which create an environment of continuous learning. When team members believe their insights are valued, they are more inclined to participate in discussions without fear of criticism. Additionally, use technology to open access to information and decisions!

    Semiotics, the Science of Signs

    Semiotics, the science of signs says that signs are everywhere and they are either natural or synthetic. An example of a natural sign is when you see your child's fish floating upside down in the tank; you know funeral preparations ffor the fish are forthcoming. Natural signs are discovered. An example of a synthetic sign would be a back-up alarm on a truck, or a yellow safety vest on a construction worker, or a smile on someone's face. Synthetic signs are manufactured or produced by humans.

    Synthetic signs include body language, comments, exclamations, written word, and emerging messaging from a collection of behaviors. This is where leaders need to spend time thinking a lot. What messaging are you sending out when someone views your collective communication that you have manufactured?

    • That you require complete focus on work as a top priority, instead of a complete focus on safety, prior to starting and during work?

    • That you are ticked about the lack of sales or shipping, instead of a welcomed sight as a facilitator on tough issues and collaboration?

    • That you don't really care for certain opinions, instead of a safe leader, in which people can confide and gain assistance?

    • That you are all about "The Benjamins", or as someone who sets up success for everyone and the company?

    Final Thoughts

    Leaders have the ability to reshape workplace conversation. By avoiding negative distinctions and embracing a more positive, inclusive narrative, they can foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration within teams. Shifting discourse takes effort, but the benefits of a harmonious, engaged work environment are substantial.

    The role of effective language as a tool for influence cannot be overstated. Leaders must practice empathy in their communication and actively work to change the discourse culture within their organizations. In a knowledge-driven world, how we communicate significantly impacts team success. The discourse we cultivate today will open doors for collaboration tomorrow.

    Transforming negative distinctions into inclusive language is vital for modern leadership. It is time for leaders to take on the responsibility of shifting workplace discourse to nurture a culture of collaboration, where all voices are valued. This attention to language is not merely communication; it is fundamental to effective leadership itself.

    Lori G. Fisher, PMP, Social Media Chair, SHRM Portage County